Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Effort - Part 1

I wanted to take just a moment to discuss a topic that is very important.  A topic that matters greatly in your attempt to be a success in anything that you do.  In fact, its a critical function on your road to success that is ironically littered with failure.

I’m talking of course about a very important function known as Effort!

Have you ever stopped to think about how much we create for ourselves or keep ourselves from having by the amount of effort we choose to give?  When you go after something with an attitude that is focused on what you want you easily overlook the obstacles that can clutter your mind and cause you to stop in your tracks. 

One of the best ways for you to check on your level of effort is to ask!  Be honest; check your attitude toward what you are doing and ask yourself how you feel about your effort.  You may find that you need to refocus for a moment before making that next call and giving it the effort your clients deserve.
Effort is what you bring to the table when it comes to achieving your goals.  Its your ante in the big poker game of life.  Little effort, little return, big effort, Big Return. 

Too many times I see people who get to a point where they feel as if their efforts are never going to payoff, no matter how hard they work.  Most of the time, you would find that these people are not giving the effort necessary for success and ultimately quit, citing various influences outside of their control.  Blame is usually placed everywhere but where it should be, on them. 

I can tell you this, not putting forth effort is a sure fire way to get exactly what you are working towards….nothing!  

Just for today, check your effort, be honest with yourself and if you find an area that needs improvement - work on it.

Look for Part 2 and 3 of this important topic in the coming blogs.

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