Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mental Toughness - Part 3 about mental toughness and turning focus on and off!  I have had the fortunate opportunity to travel extensively over the last few months and had to turn my focus towards serving those who contracted me verses taking the time to complete my thoughts for you.  As I spoke of in Part 2, sometimes its a necessary function in life.  

Good news is that I am back in the saddle and ready to finish this ride with you.

Getting back to our discussion about Mental Toughness I want to cover the last aspect that Dr. Yukelson writes about; composure. In this case, composure is about staying cool and handling the pressure of doing business. Sure, in an ideal world, we’d all make the smart decisions all of the time to avoid problems. 

But you know what? We don’t. None of us are 100% on 100% of the time. It sucks, but it’s the truth. So, we have to know that we’re going to have to handle pressure from time to time and be able to thrive on it.

Composure is not just about embracing pressure and staying cool. It’s also about regaining your psychological footing after a distraction or setback. Lets be honest.  We’re all going to experience bumps in the road, but how we drive after we hit them shows what kind of character we have. Do we become timid and lose confidence in our driving ability? Or, do we blaze ahead too fast, hitting more bumps and trash the car? Neither of these is the reaction of choice. Ideally, if we have good composure, we forge ahead along the road, mindful of other bumps that might be ahead, but never doubting that we will get wherever we’re going. 

I would encourage you at this point to go back and read all three parts of this series to refresh or recharge your mind.  Our goal here is to fortify our minds and accomplish the goals we have set for ourselves. 

I want to encourage you to believe in your abilities, keep your motivation high and your focus nimble, but true, and have your composure to protect it all.

I resolve to seek progress everyday, will you join me?  Good luck, my mentally tough friend.        

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